Everything You Need to Know About the Build Analyzer in Android

Many new features were introduced with the introduction of Android Studio 4.0. Motion Editor, Improved Layout Inspector, Layout Validation, Build Analyzer, and others are just a handful of them. In this article, we’ll learn about Build Analyzer and how to use it.

Motion Editor is a visual design editor for the MotionLayout type. The editor makes it easier to use the MotionLayout API to manage motion and widget animation in their applications. XML files are generated, saving developers from this task.

Also offered is support for editing constraint sets, transitions, keyframes, and view attributes. MotionLayout builds upon the capabilities of ConstraintLayout for designing large and complex Android views.

Other capabilities in Android Studio 4.0 include:

  • Kotlin DSL build script files (*kts) now are supported. Kotlin build scripts offer a suite of quick fixes from the Project Structure dialog.
  • An upgraded Layout Inspector makes debugging a UI more intuitive by providing access to data that stays updated with a running app and offering insights on resource usage. A Layout Validation capability compares a UI across multiple screen dimensions.
  • The CPU Profiler in Android 4.0 provides CPU recordings separate from the main profiler timeline, and they’re organized in groups for easier analysis.
  • For developers writing C++, clangd is now the primary language analysis engine for code navigation, completion, inspection, and displaying code errors and warnings. The clang-tidy linter tool is now bundled with Android Studio.

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